▶ What is Table Topics Plus ?
What are the key features of Table Topics+ ?
What is ratings in TableTopics+?
What is group in TableTopics+?
How can I search for Table Topic ideas of certain themes or ratings?
How can I bookmark a Table Topic idea?
How can I delete a bookmarked Table Topic idea?
How can I view bookmarked Table Topics idea?
What is playing Table Topics+?
How to get help on TableTopics+ ?
▶How to get TableTopics+ App?
How to get get support on TableTopics+?
How to send feedback?

What is Table Topics+ ?

Table Topics+ is a collection of over 100 plus ideas and an innovative tool to help effectively use these ideas for a Table Topics session.

▶ It's an APP for iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+ and iPad.

What are the key features of Table Topics+ ?

What is Ratings in TableTopics+?

Every Table Topic idea in TableTopics+ is given a rating between 1 to 5 stars depending upon the complexity of the topic.
Ratings allows Table Topic Master to select a Table Topic idea of suitable complexity for a speaker.

To search for Table Topic ideas based on Ratings:

Go to the Settings Screen, select one or more Ratings and tap the Home Button

A Rating can be selected by tapping on it. Tap again to un- select.

What is Group in TableTopics+?

Table Topics ideas are arranged into Groups (themes) for convenience. This helps us to find a suitable idea for a certain occasion.

To search for Table Topic idea based on Groups (theme) :

Go to the Settings Screen, select one or more Groups and tap the Home Button

A Group can be selected by tapping on it. Tap again to un-select.

Make suitable selections of Ratings and Groups from the settings screen.

Tap the Home Button.

How can I Bookmark a Table Topic idea?

View the Table Topic idea by tapping on it. Tap on the add Bookmark Button.

How can I delete a Bookmarked Table Topic idea?

Select the table topic idea you want to delete. Tap on the idea and slide it to the left. The Delete button appears. Tap on the Delete button to delete.

How can I view Bookmarked Table Topic ideas?

Bookmarked Table Topic ideas can be viewed by tapping on View Bookmark Button from Home Screen.

What is Playing Table Topics+?

Table Topic ideas can be played one by one by tapping the Play Button from the home screen. Table Topic ideas will be randomly played. A timer will be started as you tap on the Play button. The background color of the screen will change to Green when at 2:00 minutes, Yellow at 2:30 minutes and Red at 3:00 minutes.

How to get Help on Table Topics+ ?

You can get Help by tapping on the Info Icon from the Home Screen.

How to get TableTopics+ App?

Go to App store and download TableTopics+.

How to get get support on TableTopics+?

Contact us at opendesk.ca@gmail.com We will reach out to you without any delay.

How to send feedback?

We are committed to making a world class productivity tool.
So, please e-mail us your feedback at opendesk.ca@gmail.com.

Together, let's make every Table Topics session creative, challenging and fun!